Susceptible to Ebola, immune to criticism
I read today an opinion piece in US Today that brought the above thoughts to mind. In it, Franklin Graham, the head of the evangelical/relief organisation Samaritan Purse, claims that there is no ethical issue involved in providing Dr. Kent Brantly (employee of Samaritan Purse) privileged access to a experimental drug for his Ebola infection. Those who think there are ethics to debate here are merely intellectual elites ('academics' , 'talking heads' ) far removed from 'primitive deathbeds' in Africa, and the ethical debate -- politically correct analysis from the cozy confines of America -- does nothing to help save people at death's door. Dr. Brantly, the piece goes on, left the comforts of America to provide medical assistance in Liberia, got infected with Ebola in the process, and what happens when he gets access to the scarce experimental treatment? People debate about whether that is ethical or not. This is outrageous, because:
this drug is being used to save a doctor who will say thank you by returning to some of the darkest, dirtiest, loneliest places on earth to bring hope and healing to others. What is the ethical dilemma in that equation?
It is hard to know where to start. I suppose the first point to consider would be the neo-colonial, 'Heart of Darkness' description of someone else's country as the 'darkest, dirtiest, and loneliest places on earth.' Apparently the dark, dirty and lonely people should simply be grateful for whatever help they manage to get, and if American academics say anything, they should be singing the praises of the organisation's humanitarian actions. Therein lies another assumption: if you save the lives of individuals, or if your organisation has the mission to save the lives of individuals, then any critical perspective on you or your organisation is inappropriate. Medical humanitarian organisations sometimes take this defensive stand, despite empirical studies that have shown that they are (predictably) a complicated source of good and bad, rife with ethical challenges, like any other sort of human institution. And as for the assumption is that only faraway American academics have the luxury to raise ethical concerns about giving privileged access to experimental treatment to an American doctor and missionary, i.e. people unfamiliar with and untouched by African realities ... think again. The ethical questions around this issue are being debated within Africa, by Africans, as well. Africans also think about issues of global inequality and injustice when they see socio-political elites being whisked off to superior health care, not just when Westerners get sick and get evacuated to the better hospitals in the brighter/cleaner/happier countries, but also when their own political leaders get sick and are flown up to fancy clinics in Paris or London. It is not politically correct analysis, it is painful reality.
The story about the Americans gaining access to the experimental Ebola treatment does reveal something about the state of the world, including its ethics. Debating the ethics is not inappropriate, nor does it hinder efforts to control Ebola. To see this though, you have to move beyond the missionary position.
Labels: Africa, Ebola, Liberia, Samaritan Purse