Comparing trust-based and information-based consent
The standard view is that decisions based primarily on trust do not constitute valid informed consent. Such consent is regarded as morally inferior to information-based consent, where prospective participants digest relevant information and make rational decisions in accordance with their own values. An interesting article in Bioethics challenges the standard view, arguing that trust-based consent is not inferior to information-based consent in the key ways that consent is morally supposed to matter: as an expression of autonomy and as a safeguard against coercion, manipulation and exploitation. Of course, consent based on trust is not protective against abuse if researchers or research institutions are not trustworthy, but (the authors argue) information-based consent is equally powerless in that regard.
Will this reasoned advocacy for trust-based consent have legs? Hard to say. There is a lot of confidence (trust?) in the more information-based approach to consent, perhaps because it makes us look more cognitive and rational, or because it can be associated with all sorts of procedures, and we are fond of procedures, even if we also know that people often don't understand much of what they consent to. In any case, the article is well worth a read.
Labels: bioethics, informed consent, trust