Is there an 'African bioethics'?
Well, is there? There have been a number of published
attempts to isolate what is different about African ways of identifying,
analyzing and resolving ethical issues related to health and medicine. Usually
there is talk of African communitarianism, solidarity and Ubuntu, to be
contrasted with the typically ‘Western’ emphasis on personal autonomy. But as
time goes on, this whole narrative seems more and more contrived and out of
step with reality. We know autonomy has limits, and does not automatically
trump other considerations in cases of moral conflict. The stress on communal life and social harmony
in African morality has similarly been oversold: contemporary ‘African life’ is
not predominantly lived in villages led by traditional elders where communal
problems are resolved by palabre under a baobab tree. That image is becoming
increasingly quaint against the influences of colonialism and globalization,
increased urbanization, digital communication, and the subsequent fraying of
traditional community structures.
A couple of recent articles probe into what an African
bioethics might mean. In Developing World Bioethics, Gerald Ssebunnya argues
that the pursuit of a distinctly African bioethics is basically a fool’s
errand. According to Ssebunnya, the whole idea that an African bioethics exists
– or ought to – comes from Africanist philosophy and the desire to distance
African philosophical thought from that of their past colonial masters and
oppressors. Unfortunately, he writes, that meant falling back on what he calls
‘ethno-philosophy’, which consists of two main activities: (a) unreflectively
recycling bits of common morality and (b) polemically talking about the nature
and need of African philosophy rather than actually doing it. His remedy for what
he calls this ‘sterility’ is for African bioethicists and other African
stakeholders to work on the foundational, conceptual underpinnings of
bioethics, and thereby contribute African elements to the ongoing global
discussion about what makes health-related policies and practices ethical or
The article by Sirkku Hellsten in the Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics is about the
role of philosophy in global bioethics, but also touches on the notion of regional
flavors, like ‘African bioethics’. Using Henry Odera Oruka’s four types of
African philosophy, she distinguishes four ways of philosophizing in bioethics
worldwide: ethnophilosophy, philosophic sagacity, ideological philosophy, and
professional philosophy. She makes a good attempt at describing the strengths
and weaknesses of them all (and has the good grace to keep calling the first
three 'philosophy'), but really, only professional philosophy contains something
universal: the critical use of reason in examining and developing arguments. That
is, and should be, the philosophy behind global bioethics. Hellsten seems undeterred
by the fact that this universal method historically originated from the
European Enlightenment, or that the method is known to be vulnerable to
influence by cultural factors (or as she calls them, ‘biases’).
Where does this leave African bioethics? One option is that Africans keep producing bioethics informed by philosophical approaches Ssebunnya (and probably, in her heart of hearts, Hellsten) considers 'sterile.' Another option is that Africans are
paradoxically meant to double-down on their Western philosophy, rather than
avoid it, in order for African contributions to global bioethics to be born. Maybe this is where these two authors are going. Apply
‘universal method’ to African circumstances, stir. Will the resulting
concoction be, in some way, African?
Labels: Africa, African bioethics, bioethics, philosophy
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